Reconnect Fellowship Letter from Scott
I’m writing to personally invite you to a “Reconnect Fellowship” for our Young Married Adult 4 class Saturday, September 9 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at our home. We’re asking that you bring the “fix’ins” for fajitas,we’ll supply the fajita meat and a sign up sheet for the “fix’ins” will be circulated Sunday. Child care will be provided at the church at no cost from 6:00 p.m to 10:00 pm. Please contact the church office or sign the sign up sheet this Sunday in class.
As we embark of this new school year and vacations subside, let’s reconnect by faithfully studying God’s word on Sunday mornings. We must agree that much has happened over the past year as we’ve served the Lord at Calvary Baptist Church.
First, I want to thank Kevin and Tammy Rhyne for stepping up and being great leaders especially over the last year. Their commitment to teach when Jill and I had to be out was a blessing to us. Be praying for the Rhyne family as the arrival of their son is close at hand. For now, I’ll reassume the teaching duties fulltime and we’ll continue our study through Job well into the Fall. Kevin will continue to lead our opening time together with announcements and prayer requests.
Personally, many things changed in the Rose household last year. Our sons began attending Brook Hill after being home schooled for over five years. Jill returned to the workforce for the first time in 12 years, and her father fell ill and continues to struggle with mobility that poses huge challenges physically and financially on our family. Thank you for your prayers and support. It’s not over yet, so please keep praying for us.
For some time, we have sensed the Lord’s leading to participate in Youth ministry. Our sons are in the Youth group now and a void emerged there in leadership. As often with God, the way we see things is not the way He would have us go. We were contemplating leaving our class to teach in the Youth on Sunday mornings. However, God supplied that need with another set of capable Saints. There remains a need for Wednesday evening teachers for the Youth and we sense God leading us to teach there as well. Obviously, this will require that I prepare two lessons during the week which means I must be a better steward of my time, a weakness of mine. So, please pray for Jill and me; for strength, grace and mercy AND that the Lord will expand our time effectively for Him.
As our Pastor said, it’s a new day at Calvary. Let’s reconnect together so that we might be Salt and Light for Him in this dark and dying world! We’ll be in the 7th chapter of Job Sunday.
In His Service,
Scott and Jill Rose
Matthew 5:13