Monday, April 30, 2007

Florida making steps toward ultra-sounds prior to abortions

Is this a beginning?

Apply directly to the forehead...

Here is a sweet excerpt from a sermon by Charles Spurgeon on the preservation of the saints. We are in His hand. No one, no thing, no circumstance will pluck us out.

Does Smoking Impede the Gospel?

Well, no...unless coughing keeps you from witnessing, I guess. But, here is an interesting article on the costs of Bibles being linked to none other than Chinese smoking. A butterfly flaps its wings...

Miller Family Adventures

You can read about the Miller family’s adventures in Vietnam. They’ve been blogging periodically since they arrived.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Moms and careers


Tell Stories Like Life Depends on It - a plea from the Desiring God blog

Here is encouragement from those at Desiring God to not skip over any of the facts contained in the Bible with your kids, regardless of their seeming significance.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Let the Python Eat Its Tail...

John Piper on the recent Supreme Court Decision concerning the Partial Birth Abortion ban.

What's in a Name above all names?

Al Mohler writes about the gender-neutral movement in liberal churches and specifically focuses on the push to remove use of the name “Lord” from the Church.

Children Desiring God - First Plenary Session

Here is the first post from the Children Desiring God conference. The First Plenary Session features a sermon by John Piper and some free resources to boot.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Defendant Released on Bond After Reciting 23rd Psalm

The real issue here is which version did the judge use. The HCSB, ESV, NIV? Inquiring minds want to know.

John MacArthur speaks on the VT shootings

John MacArthur offers insight to the tragic events at Virginia Tech.

The Missionary Heart

John Piper posts an epitaph written by a missionary in the event of her own death. It was found after she was killed by unknown assailants while a missionary in Iraq.

Paternalism from a Female Bishop?

Al Mohler discusses a recent interview by the Boston Globe of Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of the Episcopal Church USA. In the interview, Ms. Schori asserts that the African Churches who oppose the unbiblical ordination of homosexual clergy are living in the dark ages. However, time, she claims, is on her side.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Between Two Worlds: Nancy Pelosi on Partial-Birth Abortion

I found this at the Between Two Worlds blog. Here is a quote from Nancy Pelosi on Partial-Birth Abortion.

“This is about a procedure that any parent would want her daughter to have access to if she needed it. And to frame it as an abortion issue is doing a disservice to medicine and to our young women and our country. So I hope we can get the focus back on the fact that this Supreme Court is deciding what medical procedures are necessary for child-bearing women.”

You can read the full article in the San Francisco Chronicle here.

Texts to Pray for Our Children

Jon Bloom at the Desiring God blog posted a list of texts to pray for our children.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Prayer Request for Hamiltons

Please pray for the Hamilton family as Robyn’s mother passed away today.

Wow...all I can say is...Wow...

Perhaps we should take up a donation for Brother Fred. Perhaps not. Here’s one approach to stewardship, I guess.

God is Unchangeable

Of old you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you will remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away, but you are the same, and your years have no end. Psalm 102:25-27

Nehemiah and Lay Ministry

Phil Johnson discusses how the book of Nehemiah is a biblical model of lay ministry.

Monday, April 23, 2007

"Laden With the Power to Devalue Human Life"

Al Mohler comments on the recent Supreme Court decision to uphold the legislative ban on partial birth abortion.


If you ever wanted to pick up the may be a reason to wait...too much phoria can be hazardous to your health.

Lay People: Servants Not Spectators

Here is a challenging article by John MacArthur concerning the role of lay persons in the Church as servants not spectators.