Tuesday, October 24, 2006

King Pyro on Lordship-Salvation

Justin Taylor, of Between Two Worlds bloggage fame, has put together an indexed list of Phil Johnson’s series of articles on his personal experience with the “Lordship-Salvation” debate. Go to Taylor’s links and you can read the Pyromaniac’s posts in order.

After our discussion on how we don’t get the weight of our sin, I thought this would be good reading. I am still reading through them myself. I think this issue is where the rubber meets the road in our race to the Throne. If we can’t live under the Lordship of Christ, there’s some serious questioning that needs to take place about the status of our faith. Again, none of us will be perfect this side of Heaven, but if we are not growing in the fruits of the spirit, we need to take a hard look at the status of the tree.

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